The Lotus Trust Apps

MHK Meditation and Mindfulness 1.1.5
The Lotus Trust
Are you ready to de-stress, unwind and feelgenuinely happier?It’s possible to achieve all of the above through meditation.This amazing FREE app is available now to download.Introducing MHK. Meditation the Hare Krishna WayOur meditation journey began over 5,000 years ago and thesepowerful Mantra techniques are still used today.We want to share this gift with you.You will be given the keys to unlocking the gift of meditationand be able to enjoy a multitude of benefits it can bring to yourlife.Research has shown that by regular Meditation you can lowerblood pressure, reduce stress levels, and even strengthen yourimmune system.The easy to follow Journey will take you through the areas ofBody, Mind and Heart. You will learn how to meditate through ourvarious exercises, simple and easy to follow.Whether you want to meditate on a train, in a park or at homeyou will be amazed at how quickly you will begin to feel thebenefits.Most people say they start feeling the benefits in less than 3weeks. It’s like charging up your inner battery so you can dealbetter with whatever life has to throw at you.Make meditation part of your daily routine. You will be amazedat the results.So what are you waiting for? Get ready to de-stress, unwind andreplenish yourself. MHK will change your life.